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[Marinated] Marinated Beef LA ribs 양념 LA 갈비/pk

$21.00 $14.70
Out Of Stock

먹기 좋은 두께로 정형해 뜯는 맛과 씹는 맛은 물론이고 재료 본연의 은은한 감칠맛이 감도는 양념소스와의 조합이 일품이에요. 입과 눈이 모두 즐거운 양념 LA갈비를 지금 만나보세요.


It is molded to a thickness that is easy to eat, and the ingredients are well blended as well as the taste and chewing taste. The seasoning sauce and the best meat were upgraded even more. Meet the Marinated LA Ribs that makes both the mouth and the eyes happy.
It is packed by 500g, 620g, so please select the quantity when ordering.

* Store the product in the fridge and consume the unwrapped pack within 2day.

(If you can't consume within 2day, keep it frozen.)
